Приватный чит Syndicate для игры ApexLegends

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Discord: soa.shop


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1 День - 300р

7 Дней - 900р

30 Дней - 2000р


Поддерживаемые ОС:

Windows 11/10 1809-22H2


Для работы чита необходимо:

-AES поддержка процессора


В чите есть встроенный HWID Spoofer


Функции чита:

• Enabled;
• Static FOV in Zoom;
• Aim if Out if FOV;
• Prediction;
• Visible Check;
• Ignore knocked;
• Draw FOV;
• Hitbox (Head, Neck, Chest, Body, Nearest);
• Limit Legit FOV;
• FOV;
• Smooth;
• Randomization;
• Aim Step;
• Aim key;
• Sway Compensation;
• Recoil Compensation;
• "X" and "Y" Coefficient;
Weapon Config:
• Enable;
• Weapon Group (Rifle, SMG, LMG, Marksman, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Utility, Throwing Knife,);
• FOV;
• Smooth;
• Sway Compensation;
• Recoil Compensation;
• "X" and "Y" Coefficient;

• Draw Box;
• Draw Name;
• Draw Health;
• Draw Shield;
• Draw Skeleton;
• Draw Weapon;
• Draw Distance;
• Draw Barrel;
• Draw Glow;
• Glow Material (Filled, Pulse, Wireframe Pulse, Outline);
• Outline Box;
• Filled Box;
• Corner Box;
• Corner Factor;
• Enable;
• Draw Glow;
• Glow Material;
• Disable Text with Glow;
• Draw Distance;
• Render Distance;
• Loot Categories (Rifle, SMG, LMG, Marksman, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Throwing Knife, Shield, Helmet, Knocked Shield, Backpack, Ammo, Attachment, Grenades, Medical);
• Rarity Groups (Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythic);
• Smart Loot & Custom Loot

• Spectator Count;
• Auto Tap Strafe;
• Auto Super Glide;
• BunnyHop

• Big Map Radar;


  Видео обзор: https://soa-cheats.ru/video/syndicateapex.mp4



Яндекс.Метрика                                                                                                                                                                               Qiwi Yandex wm